Adaptogen R3
Adaptogen R3

Adaptogen-R3™ is a premier, invigorating formula that promotes the entire adaptogenic process, including whole body stress support.This product features several key, nutraceutical blends. Rhodiola Pro Blend™ features the famous botanicals: Rhodiola Rosea root, Eleuthero root, American Ginseng and Opuntia, the perfect adaptogenic blend. CordyPro Blend™ complete the “Premier Quality Effect” of this dynamic formula.


Food Sensitivity
Food Sensitivity Testing

This test will identify immune reactions to common foods. The foods in this panel are foods that commonly are used to replace wheat and/or activate a similar immune response to wheat (also known as cross reactivity). This will allow us to identify which foods will be safe to reintroduce to your body. This test typically does not need to be repeated unless there are greater than five blood markers that are below detectable levels (indicative of a depressed immune system), or all of the foods come back as reactive (indicative of certain types of sub-clinical infections that may persist with Lyme disease or EBV).


Nutrigenomic Testing
Adaptogen R3

This test will be done in two parts. The first part is acquiring the raw genetic data, which requires a saliva sample. The second part is interpretation of this raw genetic data. This interpretation will provide us insight into genetic variations in production of key factors in the body that help with: development of the nervous system, clearing toxins from the body, production of neurotransmitters (the chemicals that help you feel emotions and focus), energy production, immune health, and much, much more.


Posture Pump
Posture Pump

The Posture Pump allows for gentle stretching of the deep spinal muscles. This unique device allows for increasing the natural curves of the body.
