people with the knowledge and support they need

chronic health problems.

  • Step 1


    Do your research. Watch my videos, read my book, and become an empowered patient. Learn how to get your health back into your hands.

  • Step 2


    Understand that all systems of your body are connected. Your symptoms are your body's way of communicating to you that there is a problem with the way you are treating it.

  • Step 3


    Changing the way that you're caring for your body is the key to getting your health back. You must decide to turn away from the things in your life that are robbing you of your health and follow Your Path To Health.

  • Step 4


    Call us at 909-949-0155 to schedule Your Case Review Consultation, it's the best way we can help you figure out what direction you need to turn to find Your Path To Health.

Our services provide the missing links for successful management of chronic disease.


Case Review Consultation

All care in this office begins with a Case Review Consultation. The Case Review takes place over two office visits, either in person, on the phone, or via video chatting. You will be required to watch several videos before your appointments. I will be going over a lot of information with you during the case review. Watching the videos will allow me to serve you at a higher level and will allow you to get more out of the case review.